Crozzled state of mind.

Friday, March 12, 2010

TCM Classic Film Festival

I just found out about TCM's film festival in Hollywood at the end of April:
I definitely want to go. They are going to play Top Hat, among other films that would be fun to see. They are screening at Grauman's, the Egyptian, and other venues.
It's pretty expensive though, and I don't know if you can pay for individual tickets because I've only seen the passes so far.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Late Night Chatter

Okay there's something I wanted to post since basically Christmas but I keep forgetting the book at home. Meanwhile, madness ensues at school. For some reason, someone thought it was a good idea to have room sign ups and class sign ups as finals are approaching. My good friend (and roommate for next year) and I had a mini freak out because there were no doubles left by the time it was are turn to sign up. She kept texting me in a panic while I was trying to watch Chinatown in my film class. (I love that movie, BTW.) But anyway, we have a triple in a good dorm. Nobody has signed up to be a third wheel, so either we'll be getting a poor, random freshman, or nobody.

Also had my first all-nighter ever Tuesday night! It was pretty thrilling actually. I sat in the lounge in my flannel pajamas with a bunch of guys who also had essays to write. Only three of us lasted through the whole night. We listened to the theme song of Rocky to motivate us, and I had some other songs to motivate me as well. Then there was a mini drama with my roommate who was annoyed that I entered the room at quarter to 7 to get ready for my 8AM class Wednesday. There are no common bathrooms, so I have to go into my room to use the bathroom and clean up. I'm not going to get into everything, but we can just leave it at the fact that she can be sort of ridiculous at times.

I believe I lasted the longest though, because the two other guys napped. It was a record 41 hours of no sleeping for me! It was 30 when I travelled to China.

Then of course we have me, my future roommate, and the guys we are pining after that are A- probably too old for us and B- something else. We decided that everything that seems to happen to us happens to the both of us, and now we are going through nearly identical guy issues.

Well, that's the general overview of my life up 'til now. I have a VERY unfinished painting I started of Ginger. Maybe I'll finish it one day? I also did a black and white painting of William Powell and another one with Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly in it. I enjoy painting in black and white more so I can focus on the values without having to worry about the hues.