Crozzled state of mind.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Other Photos

So I finally got around to posting items of photo-like substance on here. I edited these digitally since I don't have access to a lab right now. I don't usually do much on the computer leave rudimentary tasks, so these could probably be better.
As always, click for a bigger image.

And here's a Halloween photo for good measure. (Yes, I just got them last week.)


VKMfanHuey said... Halloween pic!
Who is your fellow flapper?

Lauren said...

That is one of my good friends. I'm so glad she put a fake cigarette in that long holder because she bumped it into my shirt and dress literally 20 times over the course of that night.


FiestyFiend said...

Excellent costume!!! I love the pose! :)

KerrieGrant said...

Regarding the picture in which your head got stuck in The Langedorf Clothing Company marquee...
I'd love to see the full outfit. Is it two piece or part of a dress? It's SOOO pretty!

Lauren said...

I think that's as much of a photo of it as I have. I could take a picture of the garment by itself. It's a nightgown! It's actually two nightgowns. The pinker one underneath is a lot newer, while the one on top with the puff sleeves is a bit older. I'm not sure of the decades for either though because I bought both of them at thrift stores which do not organize/label by decade.


KerrieGrant said...

Or you could take a picture of it on you. :)

It's too pretty to hide in bed. You don't happen to have matching sheets, do you?

Lauren said...

I guess so. It's just straight down from there though.

HA NO matching sheets. What would that look like anyway? My matching flannels were pale yellow with raining cats and dogs.
