Crozzled state of mind.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Luden's and... Shoes

I've been sick for a few days, but I also graduated yesterday! It was very relieving. I just wanted to recommend, if you ever have a sore throat, the Luden's Honey Lemon throat drops! They are BY FAR the best of all Luden's, and Honey and Lemon are known to be good for sore throats, so what could be better? The berry ones are too sweet for me now, and the white grape ones taste like children's chewable Tylenol. Well anyway, I realized this has nothing to do with classic/vintage anything, so let me find some pictures.

Here are some shoes from the 1930s:

I've seen a lot of shoes like this:

Fred and Ginger!! I like Ginger's shoes, too:

Ruby Keeler's shoes (I like her tap shoes in 42nd Street too):


Rupert said...

What a really cool picture of Keeler! Thank you so much for sharing (Loved 42nd Street).


Hannah Kathryn said...

Loved the first and third shoes. Beautiful!!! I gotta go down to some of the vintage shops in my town and start prowling through the shoes and hats...